Do you ever wish you had a personal assistant to help get everything you need to do done? To finally check items off all the items on your to-do list?
I can help you with that!
By popular request I am now offering Concierge Services to all existing clients.
No job is too big or too small. I can help with tasks you don’t have time to do or those you just don’t want to do.
Below is a list of common services requested:
Personal services
shopping for groceries, home goods, gifts and more
general errands such as dry cleaning, post office, repair shop (shoes/jewelry/bikes/appliances), prescription pickup and more
purchases and returns
transport to appointment
Family services
in-home wait services for movers, furniture/appliance delivery, repair workers (cable, plumbing, electrical etc.), pest control and more
sale planning (garage, estate, and online)
inventory of household items
seasonal swap of clothing
Automotive services
vehicle to car wash and/or detailing service
maintenance appointments
Vacation services
airport drop off/pick up
home and property checks
mail and package pickup
Holiday services
gift purchases and returns
addressing/mailing holiday cards
wrapping gifts
shipping of gifts
Contact me at melanie@resetorganizing.com if you'd like to schedule a service or if you have any questions.