Spring cleaning is a phrase we’ve all heard a million times. But I know an even better one . . . summer decluttering. How do I get this phrase trending, so it becomes a common thing?
Summer decluttering doesn’t have to be a big project. Each day let go of little things that are taking up space and before you know it, you’ll see some big results.
The calendar tells me there are 62 days until September so let’s focus on one type of item each day to remove from our home and life. Whether you toss, recycle, donate, repurpose, or sell these items, you will have a more relaxing, clutter-free home by fall.
Your summer decluttering checklist
Glasses with an outdated prescription
Wire hangers from the dry cleaner
Manuals to items you no longer own
Grocery store receipts
Stained plastic food storage containers
Promotional magnets
Shoes that do not fit properly
Travel brochures
Recipes you will never make
Vases from the florist
Out-of-date spices
College textbooks you never open
VHS tapes of recorded TV shows/movies
Broken/chipped dishware
Dead batteries
Swimsuits with failed elastic
Expired food
Worn out sheets and blankets
Old markers, pens, and crayons
Childhood trophies
Cookbooks you do not use
Worn out luggage
Old phone books and catalogs
Candy from past holidays
Dead plants
Magazines more than 3 months old
Old hairbrushes and combs
Broken holiday decorations
Cooking utensils you have multiples of
Scarves and hats you never wear
Makeup that smells or is dried out
Toys your pet no longer plays with
Clothing that does not fit
Socks with holes
Cables for electronics you no longer use
Moldy shower curtains
Scraps of gift wrap
Purses no longer in style
Outdated baby equipment
Newspapers more than a week old
Tile and carpet samples
Dried-out art supplies
Gloves/mittens/socks without mates
Promotional cups and mugs
Broken electronics
Old greeting cards
Half-empty sample size toiletries
Worn-out pillows
Old phones and tablets
Rusty tools
Condiment packets
Expired coupons
Unidentifiable keys
Promotional t-shirts you never wear
Old coffee and tea
Cleaning products you don’t like
Out-of-style sunglasses
Expired medication
Novelty pins and key chains
Broken small appliances
Jewelry you never wear
Puzzles and games with missing pieces