MJJan 15Quite a haulWhen decluttering a space there will often be piles of stuff you want to remove from your home – but don’t know how.
MJDec 15, 2023Ask me anything: downsizingMy parents seem to have no interest in downsizing. But I don’t want to be left clearing their home when the time comes.
MJMay 1, 2023Every successful move includes this . . .May is National Moving Month. One of my favorite suggestions for a successful move is to pack an Open First box.
MJFeb 1, 2023Ask me anything: toys, games and moviesMy children are grown and have told me they don’t want the boxes of their old stuff currently in my basement.
MJMay 1, 2022'Tis the season for movingMay is National Moving Month so let’s take a minute to talk about how to make a life-disrupting event such as moving less stressful.
MJJul 1, 2020To store, or not to storeWhen it's time to organize your excess stuff – or save some money and let go of this lifestyle management tool – I can help.
MJMay 1, 20185 questions to ask when packing for a moveMay is National Moving Month A move across town (or across the country) is the perfect time to evaluate your possessions and lighten your...
MJMay 1, 2017Make your move stress-freeIt's moving season! There are 1-800-Got-Junk? yard signs around every corner and not a roll of bubble wrap to be found in the local...