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May 1, 2020
Opt out of mailbox clutter
I have a love/hate relationship with mail. I love receiving a card from a family member, but I hate what else lurks in the mailbox.

Feb 1, 2020
Junk drawer, no more
The junk drawer gets a bad rap, so let’s spend a few minutes making it into a more functional space.

Jan 1, 2020
Does clutter affect your ability to think clearly?
Do you ever feel a bit fuzzy in the head, unable to concentrate on the job at hand?

Dec 1, 2019
25 outside the box gift ideas
In a recent survey more than 80% of Americans said they would like to receive experience-based holiday gifts rather than more clutter.

Nov 1, 2019
Don't dread the shed
Now is the best time to prep your shed for spring. Don’t dread the shed, get it in order before the snow flies.

Oct 1, 2019
'Tis the season to donate holiday decor
This year, as you sip hot cider and excitedly unpack the bins of sparkly skeletons, paper-mache turkeys or singing snowmen, why not bring in

Sep 1, 2019
Pssst, it's almost fall
For items that have seen better days, or you no longer love the fit or look, let them go to a new home.

Aug 1, 2019
Disorganized bathroom? Check your product dates.
Want to know the secret to an organized bathroom? It's tossing out-of-date products. Easy to say, but difficult to do! Because we spend...

Jul 1, 2019
5 keys to a clutter-free closet
Congrats, you've made the decision to organize your closet. But how do you start? You start by taking everything out! I know no one wants...

Apr 1, 2019
3 steps to an organized garage
If your garage is a catch-all for boxes, toys and old furniture, or your car hasn't seen the inside of the garage for months, now is the...

Mar 1, 2019
Simple steps to a clutter-free home office
We all have a home office of some sort. A place set aside to pay bills, plan an upcoming event, write a letter, and more. It can be...

Feb 1, 2019
Open up some time with the 4 D's
February is Time Management Month Time. Like many of us, I never seem to have enough of it. Although most days I'm fairly good with...

Jan 1, 2019
Is 'get organized' your New Year's resolution?
If so, keep in mind that getting organized is a process. It's helpful to think of getting organized as a journey, rather than a...

Dec 1, 2018
Is a clutter-free Christmas possible?
The holidays are coming, and more than 80 percent of Americans say they would like to receive experience-based holiday gifts rather than...

Nov 1, 2018
Prep your fridge for holiday feasts
November is National Clean Out Your Fridge Month, and an excellent time to take a good look at what has gotten lost in the back of the...

Oct 1, 2018
4 steps to playroom perfection
You stand at the doorway wondering, “How can such tiny people create such a horrendous mess?” Then you take a hard stance and say, “This...

Sep 15, 2018
Virtual organizing services now available
I recently began working with clients on projects virtually. What is virtual organizing you might wonder? Simply put it's a process for...

Aug 1, 2018
Drowning in photo clutter?
Ask yourself a few questions Tell me if this scenario sounds familiar. You somehow find yourself with a big box photos – maybe it's...

Jul 1, 2018
Decluttering this weekend?
Avoid these common mistakes So you've decided to declutter and organize a large space like a guest room or garage. Great! And you've set...

Apr 1, 2018
5 tips to contain kid chaos
"They're such tiny people, how can they have so much stuff?" I hear this comment all the time. And the majority of us – young and old –...
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